How often are you setting intentions or expectations for yourself? What is your end game?
Take a moment to reflect and think back on the process you have taken to accomplish said intentions. Can you actually envision the END and if so, are you taking actions presently to meet your intentions.
There is something about setting that intention that allows us to believe that it is going to come easy, we think of it as a re-start button. What one doesn't realize is that even though that intention has been vocalized or written, we have to remind ourselves what are we doing presently to work towards that END.
Setting intentions
Setting intentions for yourself helps guide your process to reaching that intention. By setting an intention(s), it is an act of stating what you intend to accomplish through your actions; it is a commitment to what you would like the journey to look like. When you are intentional about something, your focus is on the END: who you are, what you do, why you do it.
Have you thought about what you intend to accomplish? How do you intend to accomplish what you have in mind? If you’re determined to grow through your actions, then an intention could be the key to unlocking a lifelong habit of excellence.
Goal: “An aim or desired result”. Simply put: what you concretely achieve.
Intention: “Something that you want and plan to do”.
In essence: the process you go through until you get to “what you concretely achieve”. I like to see goals as a practical, efficient way to see the future. Want to stay on track and hit a result? Then set a goal!
Setting goals work so well because it’s part of a cognitive process of planning and analyzing. It gives you full control over how you’re going to move from A to B and your brain loves that. Your brain rewards you with feel-good hormones such as dopamine each time you engage in the process.
Live Life Fully Everyday and Make Everyday Good Again!
How are you setting your intentions and actively working to accomplish them? Remember to start with the END in mind!
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Having information is a good start because new information ignites growth. For true change, the information + activation is the key to Transformation. The Transformed You is when one’s thoughts, actions, and feelings are their new reality.
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You no longer have to remind yourselves of who you were or want to be, now you have access and an opportunity to CREATE the present life you want to have NOW! The only way to grow and change is by doing something new so that you can create new pathways.
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